Ten Signs of a Great Preschool
Children spend most of their time playing or working with other children. They do not wander about aimlessly or are expected to sit quietly for long periods of time.
Children have access to a variety of activity throughout the day. Not all children are doing the same thing, at the same time, all the time.
Teachers work with individual children, small groups, and whole groups at different times during the day.
Classrooms are decorated with children's original artwork, writings, and stories dictated to teachers.
Children learn letters and numbers within the context of their everyday experiences. Meaningful, relevant activities provide the basis for learning.
Children have long periods of time to play and explore. Worksheets are seldom used, if at all.
Children have an opportunity to play outside every day they possibly can.
Teachers read books to children individually or in small groups throughout the day, not just at whole group time.
Curriculum is adapted for those who are ahead as well as those who need help.
Children and parents look forward to school. Parents feel secure about sending their child and children are happy to attend!