Dubois Old Entrance

I would like to make you all aware of a change to our dismissal procedures effective Monday, August 28th. We are implementing this change in order to further maximize the SAFETY and SECURITY of all students. 

Starting Monday, all students listed as walkers in our information system will be dismissed from the historical entrance on Lincoln Avenue. Walkers will be dismissed starting with our oldest students and then working down the grade levels to Kindergarten. This will allow older siblings time to wait for their younger siblings on the Lincoln Avenue lawn. Walkers will begin dismissal at 2:50. 

Walkers are considered any students who are not being picked up in the car lane, riding a bus, or attending an after school program. If you want to verify your student’s dismissal status or change their status to a walker, please contact the school so we can assist with that change in the system. 

Car riders will continue to dismiss out of the new Illinois Street entrance. Please remain in your car the entire time through the car lane, your student will be dismissed to you by school staff. 

The old entrance to the building will ONLY be used at dismissal - our arrival procedures are not changing and all students will continue to enter the building in our new entrance on Illinois Street. Walkers will not be permitted to re-enter the school through the Lincoln Avenue entrance once they have exited the building.

We hope this change will increase safety and security by separating those students waiting in the car pickup lines from those who are waiting for a parent or sibling to walk home with them. 

Thank you for your assistance with this change!