Morning  Announcements

Good Morning Ball Charter!  Today is December 7, 2022

 All students should be on step 248 for our school-wide reading step target. We hope 100% can participate in our 100-step celebration.

 On the fifth school day of December Student Council gave to me...

 5 notes of gratitude,

a team of candy reindeer,

three chocolate reindeer, 

a pair of cozy snowmen 


Another teacher mug for a hot drink....

 Today's Teacher and staff winners are: 

Principal Williams

Mrs Ratterree

Mrs. J. Davis

K. Coleman

Ms. Lister

Thanks for all you do.  Love the Student Council.

Any student has an order form for Krispy Kreme or Coupon Book fundraiser, they need to turn that in ASAP

Congratulations to Tori M., Samera S., and Tessa S. for mastering all of their multiplication and division facts! Also congratulations to Isaac H. for mastering all of his addition and subtraction facts! So proud of each of you! 

The 3rd graders took the lead with 68% of their Reflex logins resulting in a green light. Keep up the great work! 2nd grade is right behind with 66%.  Who will be in the lead next? Keep getting those green lights and it could be your grade! 

 Big shout out to all of the November Green Light Challenge winners. There were 116 students that made their goal. The highest month so far! Donā€™t forget that December is a short month so the goal is smaller this month, 3 green lights/Frax missions per week for a total of 6 for the month. Canā€™t wait to see the list of winners continue to grow! 

Weā€™ve had a great first round of volleyball tryouts 7th & 8th grade volleyball. Great job so far. Our final round of tryouts will be here at LMS on Thursday. The names for the final round will be posted on the website later today. Good luck all.  Note the change in schedule for the rest of this week.


Wednesday, December 7

7th/8th Volleyball Practice @ Ball Charter Gym 3:45-5:30

6th & 7th grade Boys Basketball Practice @ Ball Charter Gym 5:30-7:00 p.m.

8th Grade Boys Basketball Practice @ Ball Charter Gym 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 8

7th and 8th Grade Boys Basketball Game vs Little Flower @ Ball Charter Gym 4:30

6th Volleyball Practice @ LMS Gym 4:00-5:30

7th Volleyball tryouts @ LMS Gym 5:30-7:00

8th Volleyball tryouts @ LMS Gym 7:00-8:30