Now that the weather is changing, we would like to post a reminder about dress code directly from our handbook.

Students are expected to wear clothing in a neat, clean, and well-fitting manner while on school property and/or in attendance at school sponsored activities. Students are to use discretion in their dress and are not permitted to wear apparel that causes a substantial disruption in the school environment. Dress code violations weill be documented as a classroom-managed behavior. Repeated violations of the dress code policy may result in an office disciplinary referral.

  • Student dress may not advertise, promote, or picture alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, violent behavior, or other inappropriate images.
  • Student dress may not display lewd, vulgar, obscene, or offensive language or symbols, including gang symbols.
  • Hats, hoods attached to sweatshirts, non-religious head-coverings, coats and sun glasses may not be worn in the building during the school day. Headbands, bandanas shaped as headbands and sweatbands are permitted as long as they remain over the hair or on the forehead of the student. Students will be asked to remove these items if they become play-items rather than accessories.
  • Clothing that is poorly fitting, showing skin and/or undergarments may not be worn at school. Pants must be worn at the waist, not exposing undergarments or layered clothing worn underneath. Parents will be called to provide a belt or the school may issue a zip-tie to tighten belt loops.
  • As a general rule, jeans may not have holes above the knee that expose skin. Holes on the knee are permitted. Staff may also use the "fingertip method" to measure placement of holes and allow permission to wear.
  • The length of shorts or skirts must be appropriate for the school environment and will be determined by measuring the end of the student's fingertips to the seam of shorts and skirts.
  • Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Slippers are not permitted at school and flip flops are strongly discouraged as they increase a chance for injury.
  • If there is any doubt about dress and appearance, the building principal will make the final decision.
  • Any student whose dress causes a substantial disruption of the orderly process of school functions or endangers the health or safety of the student, other students, staff or others may be subject to discipline.

Thank you for reading through the dress code, please take time to review the expectations with your child(ren).