Morning  Announcements

Good Morning Ball Charter! Today is March 17th, 2023 

All students should be on step 478 for our school-wide reading step target. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day and thank you so much for all of the donations to our SBCS PENNY WARS! Mrs. Tan will calculate the totals and let everyone know who won and tragically lost PENNY WARS. 

Today's LLS Ball Charter Kindness Challenge is to say "thank you." 

Today's Fun-for-All Friday fact is: Why was the book about helium on the bestseller list? Readers couldn't put it down. 

Yearbooks are on sale now! Please visit Yearbook ID Code: 2207823 to order a yearbook or select a package. Deadline will be sometime in April. 

If you cannot order online, you can contact Jennifer Fleenor or turn in money with name and package details to the office.