Morning  Announcements

Good Morning Ball Charter! Today is March 15th, 2023 

All students should be on step 470 for our school-wide reading step target. 


Good morning! We are halfway through our fundraising for LLS through Light The Night and we have already raised $635 in online donations and PJ Day brought in $187.01. Great job boys and girls! If you havenā€™t signed up yet, ask your parents to please help you today! It's not too late to start ā€“ you can BE THE LIGHT that cures cancer! 

Penny Wars is in Full swing. A flier went home in last week's Wednesday folder to explain how Penny Wars works. Class jugs will be outside the library at the tables for two more days. 

Remember Positive Points: 

penny = 1 pt, 

$1 bill = 100 pts 

$5 bill= 500 pts 

$10= 1,000 pts 

Continue to sabotage other classes by dropping any silver coins in other classes jugs. 

Negative Points: 

nickel= -5 pts 

dime= -10 pts 

quarter= -25 pts. 

Today's LLS Ball Charter Kindness Challenge is to draw a picture for someone. 

Today's Wild Word Wednesday fact is: Substances that are immiscible are incapable of being mixed. Water and oil are an example. 

The leader for the highest percentage of logins resulting in a green light is still 3rd grade with 72%. Who is going to bump 3rd grade outta the top spot? There is a tight race between 1st and 2nd grade for the 2nd place spot. Keep getting those green lights and if could be your grade level next week in the lead. 

Congratulations to the following students for mastering their basic facts: 


- Favian B. 


- Summer K. & Josiah P. 

So proud of each of you! Donā€™t forget to keep working towards Marchā€™s Green Light Challenge goal of 3 green lights per week for a total of 12 for the month.

Yearbooks are on sale now! Please visit Yearbook ID Code: 2207823 to order a yearbook or select a package. Deadline will be sometime in April. 

If you cannot order online, you can contact Jennifer Fleenor or turn in money with name and package details to the office. 


Thursday March 16 

Track & Field Practice SSHS 2:45-4:00p