Morning  Announcements

Good Morning Ball Charter! Today is March 7th, 2023 

All students should be on step 446 for our school-wide reading step target. 

Keep up the good work with online giving. Keep sharing the news about our LLS fundraiser with your family and on social media. 

Friday we will be having a PJ Day for $1. Our goal is to raise $200 from our PJ day. You will be reminded next week about bringing $1 to wear PJs Friday. 

Today's LLS Ball Charter Kindness Challenge is to say please and thank you to the cafeteria workers.. 

Today's Over-the-top Tuesday fact is: The human body has over 37 trillion cells. 

Interested in trying out for the Southeast. Please pick up the informational packet in the main office. Tryouts will begin March 29. 

A google form has been emailed to all 8th grade parents for the Southeast High School Health and Science Academy. The application deadline has been extended to March 17th. 

"Where's my lion's at?! Are you interested in being a part of LHS Cheerleading or LHS Poms? Packets are available now up until tryouts in room 131 or on our website! Any incoming freshman girls or boys interested in trying out for either team are welcome! For any questions please reach out to Coach Kelsey ( or Coach Haley (" 

The Parent Survey Supplement of the Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be conducted from January 24th - March 31, 2023. To take the survey please visit https://survey.5-essentials.or... and select the appropriate survey to begin. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your child's school. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child's school.