Morning  Announcements

Good Morning Ball Charter! Today is February 15th, 2023 

All students should be on step 398 for our school-wide reading step target. We hope that all students are on target to reach our 400 step celebration goal by February 16th. 

We are starting a referral free challenge for the month of February. All students are invited to the challenge! Your mission will be to remain referral free for the month of February by following the Ball Charter goals: I am here, I am safe, I am prepared, and I am respectful. Students who follow these goals everyday for the month of February will be invited to a team celebration at the end of the month. 

The Parent Survey Supplement of the Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be conducted from January 24th - March 31, 2023. The raffle ends this Friday, March 17th. This upcoming raffle is for lunch with a principal of your choice. To take the survey please visit https://survey.5-essentials.or... and select the appropriate survey to begin. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the inner workings of your childā€™s school. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your childā€™s school. 

The leader for the highest percentage of logins resulting in a green light is 3rd grade with 71%. Who is going to bump 3rd grade outta the top spot? Keep getting those green lights and if could be your grade level next week in the lead. Congratulations to the following students for mastering all of their basic facts and becoming 100% fluent on Reflex. Awesome work. So proud of each of you! 


Mahkenzie S., Charles Black, Annabelle W. 


Daniel J. 

Thank you so much for all that came out for Family Game Night on Monday. It was a ton of fun. Here are the winnerā€™s from the event. 

Estimation Station: There were a total of 290 Hershey Kisses in the jar. The closest estimate without going over was Maliah D. with a guess of 280. You get to keep the jar of kisses! 

Paper Airplane Contest: The farthest airplane was flown by Brady Beck! His airplane went 50 ft. 3 in. Your prize is a pizza of your choice for lunch. Be thinking about a couple friends that you would like to invite to eat with you. Raffle Tickets: The 4 pack of Hoogland Center tickets to see Willy Wonka Jr. and the Starbucks gift card goes to (pull ticket for winner)! 

Monday Feb. 20th is a Holiday and there is no school. Happy Presidents Day! 


Wednesday February 15 

7th/8th Grade Volleyball Practice @ Ball Charter Gym 3:45-5:30 

6th Grade Volleyball Practice @ Ball Charter Gym 5:30-7:00 

Thursday February 16 

7th/8th Grade Volleyball Practice @ Ball Charter Gym 3:45-5:30 

6th Grade Volleyball Practice @ Ball Charter Gym 5:30-7:00

Friday February 17 

7th Grade Volleyball Game vs CTK @ Little Flower Volleyball Winter Classic 7:00 

Saturday February 18 

6th Grade Volleyball Game VS FMS @ JMS 9:30 B game, 10:15 A Game 

7th Grade Volleyball Game vs Calvary @ Little Flower Volleyball Winter Classic 11:30 a.m.