Board of Education, Springfield Public School District #186

The Board of Education of Springfield Public School District #186 is comprised of seven members. Each member is elected by the citizens of the individual sub-districts in which they reside for a term of either two or four years as outlined in the Illinois School Code.

The Board sets educational policies and guidelines for the Springfield Public Schools, an urban district of almost 15,000 preschool through high school-aged students.

 Board Members

Micah Miller, President


Micah Miller
Sub-District 2
Term Expires: May 5, 2025

Erica Austin, Vice President

Vice President

Erica Austin
Sub-District 6
Term expires: May 5, 2025

Anthony "Tony" Mares

Anthony "Tony" Mares
Sub-District 1
Term Expires: May 5, 2025

Sarah Blissett

Sarah Blissett
Sub-District 3
Term Expires: May 3, 2027

Ken Gilmore

Ken Gilmore
Sub-District 4
Term expires: May 3, 2027

Buffy Lael-Wolf

Buffy Lael-Wolf
Sub-District 5
Term expires: May 3, 2027

Debra Iams

Debra Iams
Sub-District 7
Term Expires: May 3, 2027

Julie Hammers


Julie Hammers
Board Secretary
3063 Fiat Avenue, 62703

Board Meeting Information

Regular meetings of the Board of Education are held on the first and third Monday of each month in the P.D. Room of the administrative offices located at 3063 Fiat Avenue. The Board meets in closed executive session beginning at 5:30 p.m. with the public session beginning at 6:30 p.m., unless otherwise publicly noticed.

All meetings of the Board are open to the public and conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. Additionally, regular meetings are available for public viewing as a live stream or as a recording of past meetings through the SPSchannel22 page of Youtube. Please note public comment portions of some of the meeting recordings may be edited in accordance with YouTube content guidelines.

Release of the Excerpt of June 3, 2013, Executive Session Per PAC
The attached excerpt of the June 3, 2013, executive session has been released in order to comply with the March 24, 2013, decision of the Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor (PAC).

Board Policy, Rules and Regulations

Accessing Board Policy, Rules and Regulations via the Electronic School Board

On January 4, 2010, the Board of Education began conducting all meetings utilizing the Electronic School Board. This paperless meeting organizational system is also where Board Policies, as well as Rules and Regulations are housed. With this in mind, below are instructions for accessing the Board Policy, Rules and Regulations.

Accessing the ESB system:

1. Click on the title of this page. This is a live link to the Electronic School Board (ESB) homepage.

2. In the right hand column of the ESB page, there is a link entitled "Policies and Regs". Click on this link.

3. In the middle of the page is a drop down menu entitled "100 - School District Organization". Click on this drop down box, it is the Table of Contents.

4. Choose which area you are looking for and click on it. It may hesitate briefly but the policies and corresponding numbers will come up on the new page along with any related regulation. The regulations are in a pdf format in the right hand column next to the policy to which they correspond.

For additional information or questions regarding access the ESB, please contact Julie Hammers at 525-4406 or

Addition to Policy 270.10

Board Election Information

Three seats on the Board of Education, Springfield Public School District #186, will be up for election in the April 8, 2025, Consolidated Election. Candidates in Sub-Districts 1, 2, and 6 will seek four-year terms, which will end in 2029.

Information regarding the 2025 Consolidated Election, including information for potential candidates, will be available as it is released by the Illinois State Board of Elections and the Sangamon County Clerk in late 2024.

Potential candidates are also encouraged to visit the Illinois Association of School Board's website where additional resources for candidates can be found. 

Sub-District Map

As required by the School Code of Illinois after each decennial census, the Board of Education has re-apportioned the seven sub-districts.

The Springfield-Sangamon County Regional Planning Commission prepared a 2022 Reapportionment Plan and new sub-district map based on 2020 census data. This new map was approved by the Board of Education at its regular meeting of Monday, April 18, 2022, and can be found below or by clicking on this link: 2022 Reapportionment Approved Map.

Following is a list of current Board members with corresponding sub-district: 

  • Sub-district 1 - Anthony "Tony" Mares

  • Sub-district 2 - Micah Miller

  • Sub-district 3 - Sarah Blissett

  • Sub-district 4 - Ken Gilmore

  • Sub-district 5 - Buffy Lael-Wolf

  • Sub-district 6 - Erica Austin

  • Sub-district 7 - Debra Iams

Please note that the information provided on the electronic map is not guaranteed for accuracy. A copy of the official sub-district map is also on display in the District's administrative office located at 3063 Fiat Avenue. For additional information or to set an appointment to view the map, please contact Julie Hammers at 217/525-4406,

Student Board of Education Member Application Information

The Springfield Public Schools’ Board of Education invites interested incoming high school seniors to apply to become the 2024-2025 Student Representative to the Board of Education. One incoming senior will be chosen to serve as the Student Representative during the upcoming school year. The application can be found here.

Throughout the course of the year, the student will be expected to attend two evening board meetings and a minimum of one Superintendent’s Student Roundtable meeting, per month. Board meetings are held on the first and third Mondays of the month, with a few exceptions for holidays. The Roundtable typically meets on the first Wednesday of the month but additional meetings are usually scheduled in the late fall or early winter to facilitate planning of the group’s Unity Day event. The Student Board Representative works closely with the Superintendent and her staff to facilitate the Roundtable's meetings and activities.

The Student Board Representative will be given time on each Board meeting agenda to speak regarding student concerns, curriculum, and activities. He or she will be expected to develop and implement a service project over the course of the year with the Superintendent's Student Roundtable. The Student Board Representative is to act as a liaison between the students and school board, gather student concerns and celebrations in a variety of ways, and help communicate important information from the school board to the students. The Student Board Representative also will receive time with the Superintendent to discuss student issues and concerns.

The Student Board Representative will at all times represent the Springfield Public Schools through conduct, academics, and extracurricular activities and should act in a way that honors him/herself, the student body he/she represents, and the Springfield Public Schools as a whole.

This position is considered an extracurricular activity that is subject to requirements outlined in the Student and Family Handbook, as well as the Extra/Co-Curricular Activities & Athletic Policy Handbook. To remain eligible to serve, the Student Board of Education Representative will:

  • Attain at least a 2.0 GPA in the spring semester of their junior year and fall semester of their senior year.

  • Maintain an “on track to graduate” trajectory. 

  • Pass five (5) classes in both the spring semester of their junior year and fall semester of their senior year.

  • Pass five (5) classes weekly during the current semester. 

Failing to meet weekly academic requirements will result in the Student Board Representative being suspended from all activities related to this position, including attendance at Board meetings, Superintendent’s Student Roundtable meetings and events, and any other activity in which they are representing the school district in this capacity for 7 calendar days.  Absence from school for any part of the school day will result in ineligibility for any activity related to the position unless the activity has been approved in writing by the Superintendent of Schools. Exceptions may be made 1) for a pre-arranged medical absence; 2) for a death in the student’s family; or 3) a religious ceremony or event. One or more truancies or a suspension from school may result in a suspension from participation in activities related to this position. An unexcused absence from school on a Friday before a Saturday event may also result in a suspension from participation in the Saturday activities. Applicants will be required to sign off on these requirements prior to being seated. 

Finalists will participate in an interview process with the School Board Members. The naming of the 2024-2025 Student Board Representative will take place in May 2025.

All applicants are also welcome to participate in the Superintendent's Student Roundtable meetings during the 2024-2025 school year. Those interested in participating in the meetings are asked to contact Ms. Hammers at or 217/525-4406.

A student must meet the following requirements to apply for the position of Student Board Representative:

  • Be on track to be a high school Senior at a Springfield Public Schools’ high school during the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Have a grade point average of 2.0 or higher.

  • Be eligible to serve based on the guidelines listed above and outlined in the Student and Family Handbook, as well as the Extra/Co-Curricular Activities & Athletic Policy Handbook. 

  • Complete and submit this application.

  • Submit a one-page biographical sketch outlining the student’s abilities, goals, and reasons why he/she is the best choice as a Student Board Representative based on questions listed on this application.

  • Provide two written references from teachers, administrators, or community members..

Deadline for submission is 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, 2024